I get my sheep herders through an association I belong to called WESTERN RANGE ASSOCIATION. This program brings sheep herders from Peru, Chile, and Mexico utilizing the H2A program. This program has helped the sheep industry since 1950.


                              "ROLI" YOEL VERA HUAMAN

Roli is from a small town Chaquicocha south of Huancayo in the Huancavelcia province. Roli is the oldest child of Betty Huaman and Demetrio Vera who live on property established by the Grandparents. In the winter months, they live at the residence. During the summer months, they migrate with their family and bunch of sheep and milk cows to greener pastures within twenty miles of their home. Roli's sister goes to college in Huancayo and his brother goes to High School in Chiquicocha. Roli's father has also come to the USA for work, herding sheep in Idaho. When Roli was in Peru, he milked cows, making and selling cheeses to the town's people. This is Roli's second contract at the KellyRanch.

VC Kelly Ranch Staff:



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